Welcome to the Israel Covenant Ministry
This is a Global Call to stand in covenant relationship with Israel to pray for the mandate of the bible return of the tribes of Israel to their homeland in Israel and to release the word of the Lord for Israel through Prophetic Windows with the Mount of Olives Jubilee House.
Standing with Israel, Connecting with Israel
. . . Hear the Call

“Join the Aliyah Prayer House in Israel to pray for the return of the scattered tribes”
Pray for the Return of the 12 Tribes - A call to a global prayer watch for one hour weekly to cover Israel in a Canopy of Prayer - Join the Tabernatcle of David Wall of Prayer - Praying for the return of the 12–tribes includes praying over the covenant promises God made to each tribe and their inheritance which includes the land given to them.
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. . . Standing with Israel

“Be a watchmen on the Wall with the Mount of Olives Jubilee House (MOJH) to pray
as a watchmen over the walls of Jerusalem, the return of the 12-Tribes by releasing
The Words of the Lord for Israel. Receive our Newsletter and prophetic updates
As a Prayer Partner today”
Click here to sign up.
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. . .By Support

Become a Covenant Prayer Partner with the Mount of Olives Jubilee House to release The Words of the Lord for Israel. Participate with Prophetic Windows to release these Words over specific areas.